








アーリントン界隈で最も有名な醸造所。たいていのスーパーマーケットで入手可能。但し、Spring Brewは春限定で、季節毎に醇なビールを出荷している。



Dominion Spring Brew Specialty Lager

“Brewed once a year in the spring, this specialty lager has a clean mouthfeel and a quick shot of crunchy-apple character.  A more defined maltiness slowly emerges from the pure-gold body and remains a predictable, smooth flowing presence.  The alcohol strength (6.7%/vol.) remains unobtrusively in the background until the end, when its support and firm character become more apparent.  Spring Brew’s well-crafted sequence of pleasingly varied sensations is such a treat, it’s a shame it isn’t available to enjoy year around.” (365 Bottles of Beer for the Year 2002)


Dominion Octoberfest

“Dominion’s extremely soft mouthfeel melts lovingly on the palate, trailing a light caramel-malt presence behind.  The balancing bitterness flatters the pleasant, ongoing malty sweetness as it picks up a trace of spice along the way.  A hint of grapefruit on the roof of the mouth suitably subdues some of the sweet character’s excesses.  The orangish-gold body, the color of a fallen autumn leaf, finishes smooth and gently hopped.  Check out this fine seasonal.” (365 Bottles of Beer for the Year 2003)


Dominion Lager

“Smells soapy but inexplicably tastes like a mixture of spice and clove; flat and unfizzy; citrusy and bitter; dry and almost puckering; did they put the wrong label on this beer?--- it’s certainly not lager; hard to fathom and equally hard to digest.” (The Beer Lover’s Rating Guide)


Dominion Ale








オールド・ドミニオンは、周辺のビア・パブ&レストランに卸すビールの委託生産も受けている。ヒーローズ・レストラン(マナサス)のVictory Amber Lager、ハード・タイムズ・カフェ(アレキサンドリア、アーリントン、ハルンドン)のHard Times、マクガービィ・レストラン(メリーランド州アナポリス)のAviator Amberなどはここで生産されている。

